extensions.{dc572301-7619-498c-a57d-39143191b318}.description= Tab browsing with an added boost.
tmp.merge.warning.title= Closing window with non-merged tabs
tmp.merge.warning.message= The selected tabs will be merged with another window, but the other tabs will now be closed with the current window.
tmp.merge.warning.checkboxLabel= Always warn me when closing a window with tabs that aren't merging.
tmp.merge.error= At least 2 windows have to be opened before you can merge them
tmp.importPref.error1= Can not import because it is not a valid file.
tmp.importPref.error2= Failed to import settings.
tmp.sessionempty= Next time you start the browser, 'Last Session' will be empty.
droptoclose.label= Drop a tab to close it
droplink.label=Drop at the center to replace the tab or at the sides to create a new tab
flstOn.label= Tabs Focus to Last Selected - Press F9 to swap preference
flstOff.label= Tabs Focus to Right - Press F9 to swap preference
slideshowOn.label= Tab Rotation is On - Press F8 to turn off
slideshowOff.label= Tab Rotation Off - Press F8 to turn on
undoclosetab.clear.label= Clear Closed Tabs List
undoclosetab.clear.accesskey= C
undoClosedWindows.clear.label= Clear Closed Windows List
undoClosedWindows.clear.accesskey= C
session.loading.label= Session Manager Loading
protectedtabs.closeWarning.1=You are about to close %S protected tab. Are you sure you want to continue?
protectedtabs.closeWarning.2=You are about to close %S protected tabs. Are you sure you want to continue?
protectedtabs.closeWarning.3=You are about to close %S tabs, %S of them protected. Are you sure you want to continue?
protectedtabs.closeWarning.4=Warn me when I attempt to close window with protected tabs
window.closeWarning.1=Warn me when I attempt to close window with multiple tabs
closeWindow.label=Close window
confirm_autoreloadPostData=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be repeated.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
incompatible.title= Tab Mix Plus
incompatible.msg0= The following extensions are integrated or incompatible with Tab Mix Plus.
incompatible.msg1= Would you like to disable these extensions?
incompatible.msg2= The incompatible extensions will be disabled after you restart your browser.
incompatible.button0.label= Disable
incompatible.button0.accesskey= D
incompatible.button1.label= Don't Disable
incompatible.button1.accesskey= O
incompatible.button2.label= Disable and Restart
incompatible.button2.accesskey= E
incompatible.chkbox.label= Show this alert when browser starts
tabmixoption.error.title= Tabmix Error
tabmixoption.error.msg= You must have one browser window to use TabMix Options